Get the length of std::array without instantiate an object.

Get the length of std::array without instantiate an object.

A little bit of Template Meta Programming

Get the container length of std::array

You have declared an object with type std::array:

std::array<int, 3> data = {1,2,3}; 

To get the length of it is trivial:

auto length = data.size(); 

However, can you get the length of it just from the type? Imagine in your code base an array type is declared using an alias:

//in samples.h
using Samples = std::array<int, 3>;

Only the samples.h is visible to you and you want to declare another array with different element type but same size as Samples. You don’t want to hard-code another 3, cuz that reduces code reusability. You could do the following, but it is ugly:

Samples dummy{};
using FloatSamples = std::array<float, dummy.size()>;


Here I show a nicer way using some C++ template magic.

First we declare an template class which can take the std::array type as template argument:

//general case
template <typename Container>
struct helper

Then we add a specialization of the above template class. On the one hand, it let std::array type fall into this specialization category. On the other hand, we have an opportunity to extract the element type T and the array size N:

//specialization on array
template <typename T, size_t N>
struct helper<std::array<T, N>>
	static constexpr std::size_t value{N};

If we put the above helper code into helper.h, and put everything together, then we have:

#include "samples.h"
#include "helper.h"
int main()
	using FloatSamples = std::array<float, helper<Samples>::value>;
	std::cout << helper<Samples>::value<< std::endl; // will print 3
	return 0;


In the end, we are able to just use std::array type to induce the size of it at compile time, without a need to instantiate an instance of it. Thanks to the magic of template metaprogramming. The trick here we are using has a formal terminology, and is called meta function.

For more on meta function, I have a 10 min video explaining it in detail!

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